Test Case Template is many testers’ skeleton for creating Test Case Document. Many companies have their own templates. Also, it depends on sometimes the test management tools. Especially, in enterprises testers write test cases in excel test case documents and then they use import excel test case functionality of the test management tool to import their test cases into the test management tool. We were also working in a big enterprise where HP QC (HP ALM) was a test management tool. Later on, much faster, leaner, and agile test management tools have been risen such as TestRail, Zephyr, TestLodge, etc. By using these tools you can directly write your test cases without using excel sheets. They also provide excel import and export functionality but smart and fast teams do not rely on it and write their test scenarios by using only these tools.
Even you are using excel documents or test management tool, a test case document comprises of some critical and important fields such as:
Test Case ID
Test Case Title
Test Case Summary or Test Case Description or Test Objective
Test Priority
Test Severity
Prerequisites or Pre-Condition
Test Data
Test Steps
Expected Results
Test Status or Actual Results (Passed – Failed – Blocked – Untested – Retest – In Progress)
Comments or Remarks
Sample Test Case Template | Test Case Document
In the above section, I just tried to share with you sample data fields of a test case document. You can use all of them or some of them based on your company and testing procedures. I would like to share with you ready to download templates which I used in several environments. You can use and modify any of them.
Test Case Template for HP QC
Test Case Template for Enterprise
Microsoft Word Test Case Template
Agile Test Case Template
Test case format is not a static document. You can use any format and change it based on your environment, development methodology, test policy, and company.
I hope this article will help you about test case template, test case document, test case format, and this similar stuff.
Onur Baskirt

Onur Baskirt is a Software Engineering Leader with international experience in world-class companies. Now, he is a Software Engineering Lead at Emirates Airlines in Dubai.