Hello everybody, I was invited to SeleniumCamp 2018 held in Kiev as a speaker. As I am one of the technical writers of SWTestAcademy, I believe it is a necessity to write a small recap of the conference.
As a reminder, in case you go to Kiev in March, be careful. It’s very very cold. As a Turkish citizen who lives in nice weather condition most of the year, I almost froze to death. :)
Let’s go back to the SeleniumCamp 2018 Conference. All the English session was scheduled for the First day of the conference.
Milan Falesnik talks about python implementation of webdriver they used while automating one of the components of RedHat. He mentioned about the challenges they faced and briefly defined the solution they brought into play.
The second English talk was given by Applitools on the visual side of testing. Having many screen size and resolution complicates QA life and he talked about how to achieve those problems by using their solution.
Then, I talked about my company’s product Testinium and how we achieve to communicate multiple mobile devices during a test. An instant messaging application’s main functionality runs among many devices and testing that scenario by using Appium is very difficult. I talked about how we synchronized those devices to talk to each other. I also mentioned about how testinium team extended selenium grid to be able to record a video or take screenshots during webdriver tests.
The fourth talk was given by Budi Otomo on Appium and Docker. He described how they achieve to run Android simulator on a Docker instance in Zalando.
Fifth talk’s topic was Layout Testing by Can Yildirim from Al Tayer Group. His presentation had a demo session of Galen Framework.
Finally, Baris Sarialioglu gave an entertaining talk on Test Automation and DevOps. He mentioned about upcoming technologies and trends. We can see that QA role will play a more crucial role in the future with upcoming IOT, block-chain, and AI technologies.
The second day was in all Russian, I wasn’t able to attend the talks. I hope in the future, SeleniumCamp conference provides instant/simultaneous Russian to English translation service because I and some of foreign attendees and speakers really wanted to attend Russian Talks and Sessions such as Selenoid Workshop by Ivan Krutov.
At last, I suggest you visit TSUM. It was a nice shopping center on Kreshatik Street and you should eat Philadelphia Roll Sushi at 6th Floor. Also, you should try Borsch and Meat. In addition, you should visit the wine and alcohol market if you like wine.
If you like some technical gadgets, you should visit Citrus Technology Market. I bought an Arduino Robot Kit. :) Also, there are very interesting drones in Citrus.
For breakfast or if you want to drink a perfect coffee with delicious sweets, the address will be Milk Bar.
I also like The Burger in Arena Citi and I prefer to eat New York and New Orleans burgers with a delicious beer.
Final notice: “Wear your thickest clothes and shoes when you go to Ukraine in winter.” :)
See you!

Canberk Akduygu is a Test Lead working in the Netherlands
Thanks Canberk for the article. I learned about the camp lectures also food, weather and lifestyle. Keep posting :)